Saturday 4 January 2014


As I came to know that many chess amateurs are still confused about getting fide rating, I'll explain in detail. First you play a tournament that is rated (eg. Viswanathan Anand's Memorial fide rated chess tournament below 2000) organized in your vicinity. That is the only thing required on your part ie play rated tournament. All the technical details are done by the officials based on your performance whether you are eligible or not.

The tournament you play is a 9 rounds swiss tournament and 350 players participated. You are unrated (1st tournament). In the 1st round, you were paired against rated player of rating 1800. You play really well and got the better of him. He said, "I resign." The second round was a much tougher opponent (rating 1900) for you. Though you fought, she gave checkmate to your king. The score is now 1 of 2 games. The third game was a quick lost so also the fourth both against rated 1600 & 1700. The fifth,sixth and seventh round were against unrated players. You win all of them. The eighth round was a win against 1500, the ninth and final round of your first tournament was against rated 1600 and win. The final score for you is 6 But only 3 will be counted since it's the score against rated players and you had completed 6 rated games. 3 points come from unrated players that didn't count. From the above, it's quite clear that your rating performance is greater than 1000, the rating floor (lowest to be considered) according to fide to be published. You now deserve a fide rating, all you have to do is complete 9 rated games not necessarily in one tournament but in various tournaments within 26 months.

So, after two months another tournament of similar kind were held and you took part. You play fine and collect 2 pts from rated players (1600s both loses & 1700s both wins) out of 4 games. Now, you have played 10 rated games (6 from previous tournament and 4 from this tournament) and score 5 pts (3 from previous & 2 from this) which is much better than fide requirements of at least 1 pts from 9 games. And since, your rating performance is much better than the rating floor of 1000 and you play more than 9 games in the span of less than 26 months, you are eligible and your rating will be published next month.

From the above two tournaments, you will get rating approximately 1670. There you go! You are now a FIDE RATED PLAYER being recognized by world chess federations. To find out the skill level you belong, refer to the previous post on How to get fide chess rating.

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