Thursday, 15 March 2012


FICS stands for Free Internet Chess Server. Playing in FICS requires you to install a small interface like Babachess. It was an accidental discovery in which google is the one assisting. Thanks google!

At first, it was quite scary with all the feature/stuff packed in together but admins there are friendly and therefore problems solved. Most of the admins there are computer addicts or simply gurus. Their chess skills might be weaker but come to programming and there you are being inferior. It was a programmer friendly environment. So, in the meantime I learned a lot from them.

 Commands like finger 'username' etc are awesome. The only problem with the server unfortunately though is lack of strong players at the top. Being ranked less than 100 in bullet is a proof that few people took it seriously. And waiting too long for an opponent to step forward could be embarrassing for you. This has nothing to do with FICS but rather the fact that other commercials are blooming.

 Blitz in FICS had one of the toughest pool of players on the internet. Normally 100-200 rating lesser than most of the other sites like etc. One feature which I could not forget is chess960 or fischer random chess or simply wild in FICS and the FIDE rating approximation which is unbelievably accurate.

It would be great if only masters are abundant like in Playchess.

Long live FICS! I'll be back

Online chess experiences

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