Wednesday, 4 January 2012

My success chess story

How I got my first international chess elo rating

In the Jugal kishore newatia memorial tournament, I played 7 rated games against rated players. According to the Fide rules, 9 games must be completed within a period of one year. So, I played again an international tournament 5th Mangalore open chess tournament in Karnataka. In the first round I beat a player who was 2030 known as Chakravathi YVK. Then in the next round, I met Sree lakshmi 1850 above and beat her. Then I met a GM Laxman and drew the game in the King's Indian Defense. My GM opponent played extremely fast like 1 move/sec. It was 30 sec increment/move. In the opening, I was under pressure but my opponent relax too much and gave me a chance to set up a blockade where most of the pieces were exchanged and end up in rook ending. It was completely drawn but I didn't propose a draw out of respect for my opponent since he was trying too hard to win.

The win was impossible and we shook hands. After the game, some people shook my hands and congratulated me whereas some asked me who was my coach, what book I read and all that stuff. Believe me I was dumbfounded and didn't say much. I only said, "I didn't have a coach. I read some chess books." Now they asked, "what book?" and I answered, "Perfect your chess", Encyclopaedia and.... I stop because I couldn't remember much under the heat. Then the next round came and was paired with WFM Mahalaksmi.  I was black and was defending against Grundfeld defense. I lost a pawn early and I smelt defeat for the first time. My opponent then sac a knight on e6 miscalculating a little bit. I got counter attack and then I started pressing again. During the game, I thought my position was close to winning but no I was wrong. My Rybka4 said, "Its equal" during the post analysis. She proposed a lot of draws during the game in which I declined again and again. Then in the ending, a complete drawn ending, "Phillidor position" reached and I saw her coach angrily staring at me. At that moment I stopped the clock and she extended her hand for handshake. So far so good. 

Again an FM Vinoth was waiting for me in the next round. He definitely wanted to teach his unrated opponent a lesson. We played the Winawer variation of the French Defense. In the game at one moment I was thinking to give overprotection on the d4 square but then suddenly play Bd3 subconsciously and dropped d4 pawn. Then all of a sudden my king was surrounded by my opponent's pieces. I resign. My opponent said after the tournament, I will get elo above 2000. I had my doubts. Next game was interesting...

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